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Our Services

Executive coaching and change management support
  • Enhance decision-making capabilities

  • Build learning organisations by making learning routine

  • Stimulate cultural change and innovation

  • Make sense of big data and information overload


According to market intelligence firm International Data Corp (IDC), Fortune 500 companies lose at least US$31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge.


One of the biggest challenges faced by executives in today’s global organisations is inability to processing the overwhelming amount of information with which they are constantly flooded. Implementing knowledge-driven decision making processes helps executives cut through the noise, share vital information effectively and improve their decision-making capability.


Our Partners are skilled at advising the leaders of organisations on how to make sense of big data, cut through information overload and present knowledge in a consumable manner that enables enlightened decision making and leadership. Simplification is our mantra; storytelling our tool.


Our global network of internationally respected knowledge management specialists can work with you across locations to understand your data and information management challenges and present you with innovative knowledge management solutions that are targeted at your specific needs.


Customised blended learning for leaders


We believe that the past 15 years of organisational obsession with purportedly cost-effective online courses has achieved little more than check-box-driven learning programmes and very little cognitive development.


Using just these techniques -- a crude sausage-machine-type attempt at cognitive shaping -- global banks have failed to educate their staff on how to spot money laundering methods, internationally reputable automobile makers have failed to imbue a sense of ethics among their leaders, and the net cost of doing business including the cost of fines remediation now runs into the hundreds of billions of dollars.


Yet few organisations can afford to send their leaders for bespoke campus-based advanced learning programmes, let alone the majority of their staff. While some of the world’s leading brands recognise the importance of face-to-face knowledge transfer and are investing in setting up their own universities, the majority of organisations are losing out in the face of ill-devised knowledge transfer programmes.


We at Manage With Knowledge specialise in customising executive training programmes to address burning platforms. We use our team of internationally renowned knowledge management specialists -- all experienced educators working with leading universities -- and a selection of leading educational psychologists to create bespoke face-to-face knowledge transfer processes that make use of the latest blended learning techniques to deliver lasting knowledge transfer tailored to unique corporate situations.

Blended learning allows for partial delivery of knowledge via digital and online media, giving the learner control over time, place, path, or pace. When combined with the latest in augmented reality content-delivery technologies and bespoke in-person training programmes, our customised delivery mechanisms assure lasting absorption and understanding of knowledge.


Knowledge management execution services


Knowledge is best absorbed by humans when all five senses are engaged simultaneously. Take one or more away and the efficacy of knowledge absorption is proportionately reduced.


Whether dealing with the need for creative content or straightforward operational knowledge documenting, we specialise in using media industry best practice and the latest technologies to create material that is compelling and understandable.


Again, simplification is our mantra; storytelling our tool, and wherever possible we advocate showing, not telling.


We work with a globally distributed network of media specialists, production professionals and knowledge managers who can help implement the knowledge management strategists we design for your organisation.


From strategy and vision analysis and articulation to operational knowledge creation using collaborative authoring techniques, from social media monitoring and management to brochureware design and production, we use a combination of KM and publishing best practices to turn data and information into consumable knowledge with a calculable asset value.



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